Monday, October 5, 2009

Wild At Heart

The first weekend of October I (Tim) travelled with six friends to Colorado for a Wild At Heart Boot Camp. We had an amazing time! Here are some pictures from our weekend:

On Thursday on our way to St. Elmo we drove past this stunning scene.

Here's a picture of main street of St. Elmo, a ghost town from the Colorado silver rush.

Standing in front of the General Store in St. Elmo.

Our crew standing in an old homesite on our way to Grizzly Lake.

After a two-mile hike, we reached Grizzly Lake, elevation 11,400 feet.

Our motley crew: me, Albert, Josh, Marc, Joe, and the Unibomber (aka Bruce).

On Friday afternoon, Marc, Joe, and I hiked to the crosses above Frontier Ranch.

Leaving the ranch on Sunday, here I am with Mt. Princeton in the background.

(P.S. Yes, this is my first official post on the blog! To know more about Wild At Heart, visit

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