Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Something To Think About...

Several times a week I visit Donald Miller's blog, One of my favorite writers, Miller's writing explores the themes of story, faith, and desire. Today's post (click here) is thought provoking, so I wanted to share. Please read it, and don't skip the postscripts.

One of the things that struck me as I read through the responses to Miller's post (yes, I am a "comments" reader) was the number of people who admitted they are not part of an organized church any longer. They express strong opinions and firm declarations that the church that meets within four walls is not for them.

These comments compel me to consider why people leave "church" and why they might not want to return. One of my favorite lines from Miller's post is "Be the church and be united." Simply put; yet, not so simple. I am sad that far too many people have walked away from church because of squabbling, slander, and division (which expose an absence of unity and love).

Miller's post also moves me to consider why I am part of a church - my expectations of its leadership, my understanding of my role as one of its body, and my eagerness or hesitancy (whichever the case may be) to serve, lead, and love.

Just something to think about...

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